Getting Ready For Uncharted

  • Please arrive on Wednesday July 13th at or before 1 PM at the student building. Parents should accompany students until they are checked in. Once they are fully checked in, parents are free to head out!

  • What to expect:
Life Change. That is what this is about. It will be loads of fun, but that wont be our only focus. We will be serving, seeking out God, and growing together.

  • Bible, Journal, Modest Clothes, Clothes to work in, Bedding (sleeping bag recommended), Toiletries, Shower shoes, Flashlight and or headlamp, Cooler weather clothes (We are in the mountains), Rain jacket, Water bottle, Bathing suit (one piece), Towel, Shoes you can hike in, Spending money for snack shack/ store (optional), (other useful things like bug spray or baby powder etc.)

  • Relationships, Intent for relationships, Weapons of any kind, Fireworks, and Electronic devices

  • Please pack clothing that is acceptable to wear at camp. Modest covering clothing is specifically what we mean. This means, no shorts that are excessively short, no crop tops or shirts that are too open and the like. This is for boys and girls alike. No exceptions.

  • We are not taking phones with us to camp. If you bring yours and your parent would like for you to have access for you to call you can bring it, but know that we will hold on to it. We would recommend not bringing it and using one of our phones instead.

  • We will be notifying all of our parents via social media, text message and email when we are on our way back. We expect to be back at Liberty by around 6 PM. Please be here to pick up your student.

  • If your student needs to take any kind of medicine on any regular interval and needs to bring it with them to camp, please bring the medication bottles in a plastic bag that is marked with your student’s name and has some sort of instruction on when they are supposed to take it. One of our leaders is a medical professional and will be holding and administering the medications as necessary.


We can’t wait to see what God is going to do! See you Wednesday!